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a building (1912) erected by a wealthy philanthropist as an educational isntitute:

1) feasibility study giving options for imrvements (with AJA), leading to the preparation of

2) a scheme and construction for the reorganisation of internal spaces in a listed building

adeilad (1912) a godwyd fel sefydliad addysgiadol gan ddyn busnes cefnog; paratowyd

1) astudiaeth ddichonoldeb (gyda AJA) yn cynnig dewisiadau

2) paratoi cynlluniau ac ymgymryd a'r gwaith adeiladu

uno gofodau presennol i greu unedau newydd mewn adeilad rhestredig


Niwbwrch/ Newborough 2009

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neuadd / hall

neuadd / hall

blaen yr adeilad / front of the institute

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